CDs dating back to the early 90s, guitarist Paul Speer
released his long awaited comeback album in 2008. A master of combining
sounds and vision for some breathtaking musical scenery, Speer returns
in top form with Oculus. Released separately as both DVD and
CD, Oculus is a modern instrumental soundtrack. Backed up by
the CD soundtrack, the DVD puts sound to video footage of the most
scenic places in Italy including Rome, Florence, the Italian Riviera
and Sicily. Speers photogenic guitar music is the perfect fit
as the backdrop for the majestic video footage here. This concept
is not new for Speer but clearly hes hit a new height with Oculus.
Video buffs will want to see the imaginative combination of sound
and vision but theres much great music here in its own right,
making the CD a fine choice for audiophiles. Oculus features
Speer handling all the guitars, bass guitars and keyboards with some
fine drumming by Steve Hill adding much to the overall effect. www.rainstormrecords.com